Project engineer in wood study office

What does a project engineer in wood study office do?

The Project Engineer in Wood Study Office is an expert in technical design and analysis in wood engineering. They are specialists in the technical design and analysis of wood projects, playing a crucial role in the development of wood construction projects or the creation of wood products. Their expertise covers all phases of a project, from initial design to completion, including testing, feasibility studies, risk analysis, and technical reports. The work of this engineer is based on a thorough understanding of the wood material, its mechanical and thermal properties, as well as the associated manufacturing and construction techniques.

missions of Project engineer in wood study office

The role of the Project Engineer in Wood Study Office begins at the design phase of a project. In collaboration with the client and architects, they analyze the needs and requirements of the project specifications to propose appropriate technical solutions. Their main mission is to design wood products or structures while ensuring that they meet regulatory constraints, safety standards, and expectations for durability and environmental performance. The engineer must take into account the specific properties of wood, such as its compressive strength, flexibility, and behavior in humidity or fire situations.

Alongside the design, the Project Engineer in Wood Study Office conducts thorough technical studies to validate the feasibility of the projects. They carry out digital simulations, material resistance calculations, and laboratory tests to ensure that wood structures or products meet performance requirements. This phase also involves assessing the risks associated with each project, whether structural, environmental, or economic.

In addition to technical studies, the engineer must produce detailed technical documents in the form of reports, specifications, and manufacturing plans. These documents allow all stakeholders (site managers, manufacturers, installers, etc.) to understand and follow the recommendations from the study precisely. This documentation work is essential to ensure that projects are carried out without incidents and within the agreed deadlines and budgets.

What qualities are needed to do this job?

The Project Engineer in Wood Study Office must possess solid technical expertise in wood engineering. This includes an in-depth knowledge of wood material properties, manufacturing techniques such as laminated wood, and various construction systems, whether wood framing, CLT panels (cross-laminated timber), or other solutions. Their skills in 3D modeling and structural calculations are crucial for successfully carrying out their study and design tasks. Additionally, the engineer must demonstrate strong analytical rigor and problem-solving abilities.

Since every project is unique, they must adapt to the specific constraints of each mission and find innovative solutions. Communication is also a key skill in explaining the results of their analyses and working effectively with multidisciplinary teams. All these skills are part of the engineer training provided by ENSTIB, the only national public school that trains engineers in the wood sector.

The Project Engineer in Wood Study Office is a key player in the design and realization of wood projects. Through their technical and analytical skills, they ensure the success of projects by guaranteeing the quality, safety, and durability of wood structures and products. In a context of transition towards more ecological construction solutions, their role becomes increasingly strategic, particularly in promoting the use of wood, a renewable and high-performance material.

What training?