Tanguy Praud

Operations Manager
ENSTIB Engineer class of 2010

I did Engineering with a Production and Logistics option at ENSTIB. I graduated in 2010 and a few months later I got a job in Paris with FCBA, the technological Institute for forestry, cellulose, wood construction and furnishing. Then in 2013 I moved to Canada. I now work for a company calles Spieth America as Operations Manager. The company’s based in Ontario and we make and sell gymnastics equipment all over the world. I work with my life-partner Anne-Sophie Bajorski who’s an engineering graduate from the class of 2012.
It’s true that the Production and Logistics option, together with the accreditation Basics of Supply Chain Management, my excellent level in languages and multiple internships abroad have enabled me not just to access this international job, but also to adapt, to integrate and progress.
The course I took in ENSTIB reflects 100% the job I do now. It’s true that the Production and Logistics option, together with the accreditation Basics of Supply Chain Management, my excellent level in languages and multiple internships abroad have enabled me not just to access this international job, but also to adapt, to integrate and progress.
And I have so many good memories from this school. One in particular comes to mind : we arranged a spur of the moment barbecue before leaving for our internships at the end of the 1st year. We thought there’d only be about a dozen of us, but the whole class turned up ! Our little event turned into a party. Everyone did something, from cooking to cleaning up, totally spontaneously. It was so much fun. That’s when we realized what we wanted from life : Work hard, Play hard.