Alexis Coeffier

Architect - ABC master's class of 2023

From my first year at ENSA Nancy, I heard about the ABC Master’s program and it immediately appealed to me. During my architecture training, most of my projects were heavily oriented towards wood. So, it was only natural for me to enroll after my fifth year. My main goal was to deepen my knowledge of wood as a material, and I was not disappointed. I discovered its mechanical properties and also the different species. From a human perspective, the program allows for collaborative work with engineers. I learned to understand their viewpoint, which is different from that of an architect. During the Wood Challenges, I also worked with craftsmen. It was fascinating to go from design to fabrication with a great team and in a great atmosphere. This training, which I pursued through a work-study program at an agency where I still work today, gave me confidence and facilitated my professional integration. I have excellent memories of ENSTIB and that year in the Master’s program.