Thibault Benistand

Wood Engineering Consultant
Advanced master class of 2015

I didn’t really have to look for a job afterwards, because I already had several offers and ideas to follow up even before the end of the school year.
I took the advanced master course between 2014 and 2015 and I didn’t really have to look for a job afterwards, because I already had several offers and ideas to follow up even before the end of the school year.
Now I’m doing a PhD at the LERMAB Laboratory in the University of Lorraine. Ther’s no direct link between my former training course and and my PhD, but having worked for a year between the two, I can confirm that the advanced master course is perfectly in line with structural engineer positions in design offices.
I did my engineer course via an apprenticeship with the Higher national school of technology and engineering in Alès and the course undeniably offers young engineers a formidable opportunity to work on major projects, such as the MIRAMAS stadium or high-rise wooden buildings…
I fondly remember my end-of-year project with 4 colleagues, where we had to dimension a large building!